Hello Guys, In this blog we are going to learn about child routes using auth guard with CanActivateChild() with details understanding and examples. CanActivateChild() allows you to guard child routes in a similar way to CanActivate for guarding individual routes. CanActivateChild() is basically used to protect child routes inside the application from unauthorized users. This means if users don't have access then they can't access child routes. When every you creating canActivateChild, in that we are creating guards that execute before access of child routes. CanActivateChild() method normally takes two parameters : route and state. The route parameter represents the child route being activated, while the state parameter represents the current router state. The CanActivateChild() method must return a boolean value indicating whether the user has permission to access the child method. For Examples : Authenticating users with a service named authServ...
Welcome to "TechoSwag" in this website you will get details understanding of "Angular" all versions like "Angular 2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12" and the basic concept of "JavaScrips" and the latest "ES6" features like "Arrow Funtions", "REST Operator", "SPRED Operators", etc.... In future will cover "ReactJS", "NODEJS", "HTML/CSS", "BOOTSTRAP"