Hello Guys, In this blog we are going to learn about Metadata in angular with examples. What is Meta Data ? Basically meta data is used to decorate a class so that it can be configure the expected behaviors of the class in angular. Basically In angular we have total 4 type of meta data 1) Class Decorator :- Like @Components and @NgModule 2) Property Decorator : - It's mainly used for properties inside a classes. Ex:- @Input() & @Output() 3) Method Decorator :- It's mainly used for methods inside a classes. Ex:- @Hostlistner() 4) Parameters Decorator :- It's mainly used for Parameters inside a classes. Ex:- @Inject() If you guys have any query then you can drop a mail to us on this mail id: techoswag@gmail.com
Welcome to "TechoSwag" in this website you will get details understanding of "Angular" all versions like "Angular 2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12" and the basic concept of "JavaScrips" and the latest "ES6" features like "Arrow Funtions", "REST Operator", "SPRED Operators", etc.... In future will cover "ReactJS", "NODEJS", "HTML/CSS", "BOOTSTRAP"