Hello Guys, In this blog we are going to learn about LET, CONT, VAR keywords in JavaScript. To store data in JavaScript, you have three ways of declaring variables: var, const, and let. These three have the same purpose but vary in certain aspects. Familiarizing yourself with the contrasts can guide you on which to select for your unique requirements. JavaScript's let, const, and var have some notable distinctions to consider. `LET` :- Here's an example: the let keyword enables block-scoped variables to be declared. Only the block where it was declared and any nested blocks within it have access to a variable with let due to block scoping. Introduced in ES6, let offers this capability. The concept of variable shadowing is demonstrated by the double declaration of let for x. Despite sharing a name, one instance occurs in the example function block and the other occurs within the if block. They can be treated as individual variables due to their separate ...
Welcome to "TechoSwag" in this website you will get details understanding of "Angular" all versions like "Angular 2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12" and the basic concept of "JavaScrips" and the latest "ES6" features like "Arrow Funtions", "REST Operator", "SPRED Operators", etc.... In future will cover "ReactJS", "NODEJS", "HTML/CSS", "BOOTSTRAP"